La Ruche, le réseau en action des femmes francophones de Shanghai 

L'agenda de la Ruche

Atelier Digital : Wechat for businesses by le Wagon - Workshop 2 : Wechat Commerce and Mini Programs

Lieu Cozy Wine Bar 97, Wukang lu (near Wuyuan luShanghai France

Dive into the Wechat ecosystem and learn how to manage an official account communications, CRM, commerce...

In this series of 2 workshops, you will access the Wechat back-end and edit it like major players do ! You will have a full picture of how to use Wechat for your business.


Atelier Digital : Wechat for businesses  by le Wagon - Workshop 2 : Wechat Commerce and Mini Programs

Dive into the Wechat ecosystem and learn how to manage an official account communications, CRM, commerce...

In this series of 2 workshops, you will access the Wechat back-end and edit it like major players do ! You will have a full picture of how to use Wechat for your business.

Workshop 1 (january 30)

- Wechat environnement

- What brands do on Wechat ?

- Wechat official account management (hands-on)


Workshop 2 (january 31)

- Wechat commerce : options and best practices

- Wechat mini programs : what they are, how to get started



L'ensemble des ateliers proposés par Le Wagon seront dispensés en anglais.

Les Workshops 1 et 2 peuvent être suivis indépendamment l'un de l'autre.

Le tarif est suceptible d'être revu à la baisse en fonction du nombre d'inscrits à l'atelier.


Who are Le Wagon :

Founded in Paris, 2013
2000+ alumni network
150 expert mentors
25 Wagons Worldwide and rapidly growing : Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Copenhagen, Sao Paulo, Beirut, Tokyo, Sydney, Casablanca, Shanghai, Recife...

Le Wagon bring technical skills to creative people !

 Le Wagon is a very product-driven bootcamp teaching Javascript, Ruby on Rails, Wechat, HTML & CSS, APIs, Github...among other things.
The program brings coding skills to creative entrepreneurs to make them able to build their own application, find a job in the tech industry (as junior developer or product manager) and colaborate efficiently with their future dev team.

It's also a great tech community for life, with more than 2000+ talented alumni within 25+ cities worldwide that keep sharing tips, resources, job & freelance opportunities and learning together after the 2-month bootcamp.